Words Too!
For this exercise you may wish to start with your eyes closed and meditate for a moment, or you may want to start doodling straight away. As you meditate or doodle, allow your thoughts to flow. When a thought you see as significant or telling of your current emotions arises, write this onto your page. It can be a single word which springs to your mind, or a sentence, or a few; whatever feels right. Typically, if you feel you have had the same thought multiple times during the day, this is something significant to you currently. It is important not to second guess yourself, whatever your first instinct for your word or sentence is, trust that and write it down, no matter how silly or insignificant it may seem. This stops the critical brain from questioning whether it is the ‘best’ thought to include and allows you to simply get the thoughts down.
You may wish to make your words the center piece, or you may wish to write them so small they are barely legible. After your word or thought is down, you may wish to continue to draw or doodle around this to fill the page, include today's date somewhere in your drawing, or add more thoughts or words as you go. Again, don’t over-think this! The thoughts don’t need to be related or cohesive, just let them flow. If you simply write a word or a sentence and feel that is enough then leave it there, use your intuition to tell you when you’re finished.
Optional Reflective Questions:
Look at your drawing for a little while. How does it make you feel to look at it?
After looking at the thoughts on the page, do you feel your perspective on them is any different?
Does the size or placement of the words you choose feel significant in any way?
Do you feel that you have learned anything from your drawing?
I encourage you to try this for yourself first, but if you are stuck or don’t quite know what to do, below are some examples of what this might look like: